Tree Farmers and sign image
. Tree Farmer Alert

Saturday, January 7, 2012
Over 700 readers and growing!

Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

Tree Farm Local Group image

Feel free to forward this alert to a friend.

New readers, if you would like to receive an email alert like this whenever new information about the pine beetle epidemic or any other content is added to our website, write stumpmaker@gmail.com and ask to be added to the Tree farmer Alert email list. It's free!

Be confident that what you do in your forest
will improve it's health and sustainability for future generations.
Become a Tree Farmer!

A Stocking gift

To the gentleman who received a subscription to Tree Farmer Alerts as a stocking gift:

You are fortunate to have such a caring family member.

The most prevalent complaint that we hear from active Tree Farmers is:
“I’m working hard to reduce the damage taking place in our forests and improve forest health on my own property but my neighbors aren’t doing anything.”

Many of the threats causing the most damage in our forests are landscape in size and will require forest landowners to work together if we expect to significantly improve the situation. We need to do everything we can to encourage ALL forest landowners to do their part.

Setting a good example on your own property is vital but may not be enough to get your neighbor started. So, we offer additional methods to help you reach out to your neighbors.

Our website, www.treefarmer.com, has tons of information on practical and effective management techniques.

Our email newsletter, Tree Farmer Alerts, provides breaking news regarding forestry issues, management tips, and notices of upcoming meetings and events.

We will be happy to speak to your neighbors at Road Association, Landowner Association, and other community meetings.

Our local Tree Farm groups offer opportunities to talk with experts, share information with other forest managers, and tour well run properties to see the effects of active forest management first hand.

Our New YouTube Channel

And most recently, we have opened our own YouTube channel where we will develop and show a series of short introductory videos on topics of specific interest to all forest landowners.

In order to insure that these videos are practical and useful to small forest landowners we'd like to collaborate with active Tree Farmers, professional foresters, and forestry contractors. If you have an idea for a video or, better yet, would like to develop a video with us, please contact stumpmaker@gmail.com

So, enjoy your stocking gift and, in the spirit of the season, please share with your neighbors.

Colorado Tree Farmers


Sequestering Carbon Dioxide

The climate negotiations, which ended last Sunday in Durban South Africa agreed on to which extent countries can use their forests’ carbon sinks to offset their carbon dioxide emissions. The amount which a country’s forests have to sequester carbon dioxide was set for each country which has forests.

(The US insists that any agreement be equally legally binding on all major emitters – that is, if the US and the EU take on legal commitments, so must China. It is still far from certain that China will acquiesce.)

Read More

Submitted by
Tree Farmer, Don McDavid


Outstanding Service

Tony Mahon, Summit Forestry, has worked in our area west of Loveland many times over the past years.  We do not hesitate to recommend him and his crew, having used him and his crews several times, ourselves.  He is equipped to remove trees for wildfire mitigation, fuel breaks, defensible space, etc.  His chipper handles bigger trees as well as slash, and he can winch logs out of difficult areas.  Experience and knowledge lets him recognize potential forest problems and suggest ways to efficiently improve a forest stand.  He will do as little or as much as a landowner wishes.  We have been completely satisfied with Summit Forestry’s work each time.

 Larimer County Tree Farmers
Randy and Donna Moore

Tony Mahon, Summit Forestry
5201 Greenview Drive
Ft. Collins, CO 80525




Got a question about your woods?

You can find the answers to many of your questions on our website, www.treefarmer.com, but that's a big place. If you get lost, write us and we'll help you find the answers.

We're your neighbors just down .the road, behind the green and white Tree Farm signs and we care about what's happening in our forests.

Send your questions to stumpmaker@gmail.com

Join Us if you would like to go on our tours, question our experts, or share information on forest ecology and forest management with our members


Landowners who attend one of our tours in 2012 will receive the Colorado Tree Farmer's forest management manual, "Saving Your Forest". Currently certified Tree Farmers can get a manual by bringing a neighbor or friend to one of our tours.